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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000064Rosetta[All Projects] Crashpublic2012-08-08 10:132012-08-08 10:13
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Fixed in Version 
Summary0000064: Symmetric packing cannot be used with OnTheFlyInteractionGraph('s children)
DescriptionSymmetric packing cannot proceed with on the fly packing:, line 88: utility_exit_with_message("Cannot use symmetry with on-the-fly interaction graph yet!");

The feature request is to, well, make it so you can. The "yet" implies it hasn't been done yet, as opposed to being a structural impossibility.
Additional InformationThis was exposed by bug 0000063.

See also [^]
TagsNo tags attached.
Application(s) Affectedall; symmetric fixbb primarily
Command Line Usedfixbb.linuxgccrelease @flags_fixbb_symm -s my_monomer -symmetry:symmetry_definition my_symmdef -out:file:silent mysilent.out -out:file:scorefile -linmem_ig 10
Developer OptionsFeature Request
Fixed in SVN Version
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- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-08-08 10:13 smlewis New Issue

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