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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000343Rosetta[All Projects] Input Handlingpublic2014-06-26 14:112014-06-26 14:46
Assigned Tojadolfbr 
PlatformAll platformsOSAnyOS VersionAny
Product VersionTrunk 
Fixed in Version 
Summary0000343: Options file do not use -in:path directory locations
DescriptionOptions file loading should use set paths for locating files.
Steps To ReproduceUse a cmd line where your flags file is in a different directory; pass -in:path to that directory
TagsNo tags attached.
Application(s) AffectedAll
Command Line Usedantibody_designer.linuxclangrelease -in:path antibody_designer @flags
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Fixed in SVN Version
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-  Notes
rmoretti (Attentive Developer)
2014-06-26 14:46

This is a little cart-before-the-horse, as you would need to be able to use the option system before/when you're actually loading the options.

I guess it might be possible, so long as you specify -in:path on the command line before you specify the options file (so "antibody_designer.linuxclangrelease -in:path antibody_designer @flags" might be workable, "antibody_designer.linuxclangrelease @flags -in:path antibody_designer" wouldn't be, at least without changing options loading semantics.)

To make the first case work, you'd probably have to alter OptionCollection::load_option_from_file() in src/utility/options/ to specifically introspect the -in:path option and uses those paths as fallbacks. The general -in:path loading mechanism that usually happens through izstream won't work, as that doesn't get set until the options loading is finished.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-06-26 14:11 jadolfbr New Issue
2014-06-26 14:11 jadolfbr Status new => assigned
2014-06-26 14:11 jadolfbr Assigned To => jadolfbr
2014-06-26 14:46 rmoretti Note Added: 0000349

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