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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000299Rosetta[All Projects] Incorrect Resultspublic2013-08-12 13:102013-08-12 13:10
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Summary0000299: Registering NeighborsByDistanceCalculator with same name as a removed calc creates bad neighbor entries
DescriptionRegistering a NeighborsByDistanceCalculator, using it, removing it, then register one with the same name. The new one has the neighbor values of the old one and doesn't recognize the need to update.

CalculatorFactory::Instance().register_calculator("myCalc", new NeighborsByDistanceCalculator(some_res) );

// run calc, fill vector of neighbors, do stuff...

CalculatorFactory::Instance().register_calculator("myCalc", new NeighborsByDistanceCalculator(other_res) );

// calculator now mapped to "myCalc" has neighbor entries from first calc mapped to "myCalc"
Steps To ReproduceWith a function called repeatedly in a loop that does the steps:

CalculatorFactory::Instance().register_calculator("myCalc", new NeighborsByDistanceCalculator(some_res) );
CalculatorFactory::Instance().register_calculator("myCalc", new NeighborsByDistanceCalculator(other_res) );

All calculators return the same vector of neighbors even for distant residues.
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Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-08-12 13:10 khouli New Issue

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