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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000296Rosetta[All Projects] Incorrect Resultspublic2013-08-08 15:212014-01-09 17:55
Assigned Tojadolfbr 
PlatformAll platformsOSAnyOS VersionAny
Product VersionTrunk 
Fixed in VersionTrunk 
Summary0000296: kink_cation_residue gives incorrect result if AbInfo is using ModifiedAHO numbering scheme
Descriptioncdr_numbering_ was meant to be a set of landmark positions from which other positions can be abstracted. but it is also being used to define different stretches of loop, which makes it non-absolute.

probably need a cdr_landmarks_, and some separation of NumberingScheme idea and LoopDefinition idea
Steps To Reproduceuncomment line in
TagsNo tags attached.
Application(s) Affectedantibody
Command Line Usedtest/ -1 AntibodyInfoTest
Developer OptionsConfirmed As Bug
Fixed in SVN Version56176
Attached Files

- Relationships

-  Notes
jadolfbr (Administrator)
2013-12-04 14:52

Fixed in jadolfbr/schemes. Awaiting a strange bug unrelated to changed code to push to trunk.
jadolfbr (Administrator)
2014-01-09 17:55

AntibodyInfo now requires a numbering scheme and a definition. Metrics can now specify which definition they are referring to, and conversion happens when using a different definition. Apps now require a numbering scheme and definition on the cmd line. [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-08-08 15:21 jgray New Issue
2013-08-08 15:21 jgray Status new => assigned
2013-08-08 15:21 jgray Assigned To => jadolfbr
2013-12-04 14:52 jadolfbr Note Added: 0000323
2014-01-09 17:55 jadolfbr Fixed in SVN Version => 56176
2014-01-09 17:55 jadolfbr Note Added: 0000325
2014-01-09 17:55 jadolfbr Status assigned => resolved
2014-01-09 17:55 jadolfbr Fixed in Version => Trunk

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