MantisBT - Rosetta
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0000274Rosetta[All Projects] Crashpublic2013-05-20 13:432013-05-20 13:43
XMLs with any DesignRepackMover and minimize_rb options
0000274: DesignRepackMover doesn't handle parsed minimize_rb correctly.
In the parse_my_tag function of DesignRepackMover, if the minimize_rb option is set, it attempts to pass a single bool to min_rb(), which is expecting a vector of bools, one for each jump. Subsequent use results in an error because the vector isn't of the correct length.
hat tip to jarod for finding this [^]

The logic here is a bit flakey to begin with, as the number of jumps at parse time isn't necessarily going to be the number of jumps at apply time.
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Issue History
2013-05-20 13:43rmorettiNew Issue

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