MantisBT - Rosetta
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0000252Rosetta[All Projects] Input Handlingpublic2013-04-22 19:582013-04-22 23:06
any resfile reading ones
-resfile misnumbered.resfile
0000252: Issues with error message reporting (resfiles)
If you have an error in a resfiles, Rosetta apparently no longer prints out the reason for the error. It simply prints "ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/pack/task/ line: 1488" - despite having a tracer output statement for the message (with endl) just before the output.
Run a protocol with a bad resfile (e.g. with a residue that doesn't exist)
I'm not sure if this is a bug in Rosetta, or it's more some issue with stream flushing on my local machine. (Note that this has been run directly in the terminal.)

I'm also not sure if it's resfile-reading specific, or a more general issue.
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Issue History
2013-04-22 19:58rmorettiNew Issue
2013-04-22 20:19amelieNote Added: 0000255
2013-04-22 23:06SergeyNote Added: 0000256

2013-04-22 20:19   
I have experienced the same issue a few weeks ago, on multiple machines, so I don't think it's a local issue.
2013-04-22 23:06   
If std::endl is present at the end of Tracer output then string should be flushed as soon as operator execute, so this most likely not the std::cout flushing issue.