MantisBT - Rosetta
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0000236Rosetta[All Projects] Crashpublic2013-03-29 19:162013-04-01 12:39
All platformsAnyAny
all, presumably
rosetta_source/bin/score.macosgccrelease -database rosetta_database/ -ignore_unrecognized_res -s 3itb_clean.pdb
0000236: Rosetta crashes on missing atoms in unrecognized SUCK residues
This PDB contains several non-canonical residues. Rosetta doesn't discard them, but then fails to identify them properly, and finally exits with "too many tries in fill_missing_atoms!". This might be because one of the residues has the 3-letter-code SUC, which is close to the internally used SUCK.

protocols.jobdist.JobDistributors: Looking for an available job: 1 1 local_scratch/clean/3itb_clean.pdb 1
core.chemical.ResidueTypeSet: Finished initializing fa_standard residue type set. Created 6400 residue types [ WARNING ] discarding 1 atoms at position 347 in file local_scratch/clean/3itb_clean.pdb. Best match rsd_type: GLY [ WARNING ] discarding 23 atoms at position 349 in file local_scratch/clean/3itb_clean.pdb. Best match rsd_type: SUCK Adding undetected upper terminus type to residue 347 Adding undetected lower terminus type to residue 349
core.conformation.Residue: WARNING: Residue connection id changed when creating a new residue at seqpos 349
core.conformation.Residue: WARNING: ResConnID info stored on residue 350 is now out of date! Adding undetected upper terminus type to residue 350
core.conformation.Conformation: [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: ORIG on residue SUCK 348

core.conformation.Conformation: [ WARNING ] missing heavyatom: ORIG on residue SUCK 348
[... very many repeats of the line above ... ]

ERROR: too many tries in fill_missing_atoms!
ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/conformation/ line: 2664
Error: Must call shutdown() when finished using job distributor!
caught exception

[ERROR] EXCN_utility_exit has been thrown from: src/core/conformation/ line: 2664
ERROR: too many tries in fill_missing_atoms!
see command line below
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? 3itb_clean.pdb (215,434) 2013-03-29 19:16
Issue History
2013-03-29 19:16amelieNew Issue
2013-03-29 19:16amelieFile Added: 3itb_clean.pdb
2013-04-01 12:39smlewisNote Added: 0000230
2013-04-01 12:39smlewisAssigned To => amelie
2013-04-01 12:39smlewisStatusnew => assigned

2013-04-01 12:39   
SUCK has no business being active by default. Remove it from the default ResidueTypeSet (by #commenting it out in residue_types.txt) and this should go away.