MantisBT - Rosetta
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0000229Rosetta[All Projects] Bad Codingpublic2013-03-24 18:582013-03-24 19:03
0000229: protocols::scoring::Interface requires a pre-scored pose.
If you call protocols::scoring::Interface.calculate(pose) on a pose that hasn't been scored yet, you'll get an assertion error in core::scoring::Energies::energy_graph() regarding the bad energy graph state of the pose.

You'll also get the error if you use the Interface object indirectly, for example through the RestrictToInterface task operation.
Aside from causing an assertion error in debug mode, this behavior may introduce a bug/undesired behavior if the state of the pose has changed from the last time it was scored. (e.g. the energy graph might not be up to date).

It looks like the energy graph dependance is solely to look at the pair distance (see Interface::protein_calculate() and symmetric_protein_calculate() ), and probably should be rewritten to avoid depending on the energy graph (as ligand_calculate() is).
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Issue History
2013-03-24 18:58rmorettiNew Issue
2013-03-24 19:03smlewisNote Added: 0000213

2013-03-24 19:03   
RestrictToInterfaceOperation was written solely to get around this behavior - perhaps a parent bug is "we have a ton of different, mostly-identically-behaving ways to detect interfaces"