MantisBT - Rosetta
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0000165Rosetta[All Projects] Input Handlingpublic2012-12-12 17:042012-12-12 17:04
All platformsAnyAny
any jd2
jd2_app -out:file:atom_tree_diff relative/path/to/file.out
0000165: jd2::AtomTreeDiffJobOutputter ignores output path component
If you give an output file with path component to -out::file::atom_tree_diff, AtomTreeDiffJobOutputter will explicitly empty out the path component unless you also give it an -out::path::pdb or an -out::path::all option, in which case it will kill any path component with the provided path. (Neglecting any relative path stacking issue.)
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Issue History
2012-12-12 17:04rmorettiNew Issue

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