MantisBT - Rosetta
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0000140Rosetta[All Projects] Incorrect Resultspublic2012-10-20 10:422015-07-14 09:50
FoldTree, so all
0000140: FoldTree::reorder fails to reorder perfectly good fold trees
FoldTree::reorder fails to reorder perfectly good fold trees sometimes. I can't tell if there's a legitimate reason they can't be reordered, or if the function is just failing. There are a few reorder failures in the integration tests (all in my UBQ_E2 code), but they seem not to be a problem (it is failing to reorder(1) when root was already 1).

There is a code snippet as of SVN +-51727 in test/core/kinematics/FoldTree.cxxtest.hh that shows a perfectly good FoldTree that reorder fails on:

        std::istringstream reusable_FT_istream;

        //Test complex case 0000002 (stolen from UBQ_E2_thioester_extra_bodies integration test)
        core::kinematics::FoldTree UBQ_E2_fold_tree;
        reusable_FT_istream.str("FOLD_TREE EDGE 1 173 -1 EDGE 85 249 -2 SG C EDGE 249 174 -1 JEDGE 249 297 1 C NZ END EDGE 297 325 -1 EDGE 297 250 -1 JEDGE 1 326 2 N N END EDGE 326 691 -1 JEDGE 1 692 3 N N END EDGE 692 779 -1");
        reusable_FT_istream >> UBQ_E2_fold_tree;

        //This results in this output:
        // core.kinematics.FoldTree: FoldTree::reorder( 1 ) failed, new/old edge_list_ size mismatch
        // core.kinematics.FoldTree: 10 5
        // core.kinematics.FoldTree: FOLD_TREE EDGE 1 173 -1 EDGE 85 249 -2 EDGE 249 174 -1 JEDGE 249 297 1 C NZ END EDGE 297 325 -1 EDGE 297 250 -1 JEDGE 1 326 2 N N END EDGE 326 691 -1 JEDGE 1 692 3 N N END EDGE 692 779 -1
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Issue History
2012-10-20 10:42smlewisNew Issue
2015-07-14 09:50LabonteAssigned To => Labonte
2015-07-14 09:50LabonteStatusnew => assigned

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