MantisBT - Rosetta
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0000107Rosetta[All Projects] Crashpublic2012-09-17 15:352012-09-17 15:36
compilation bug
compilation bug
Confirmed As Bug
0000107: Rosetta 3.4 extras=omp does not compile (trunk does) [^]

This bug is resolved as of filing but I am recording it here for posterity.

The user reports that Rosetta3.4 fails to compile with extras=omp, with a linker error somewhere in protocols_a.2. This is strange, since the only openMP code in Rosetta is in the matcher (not in that library).

Trunk compiles (51200 or so), so I looked for things in the protocols_a.2 library that used boost code (the thread sublibrary indicated by the error message) then cross-referenced by changes in SVN between the 3.4 split and now to boost/thread code in hose files. SVN 48527 floated rapidly to the top; porting it into 3.4 fixes the 3.4 compilation problem.
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Issue History
2012-09-17 15:35smlewisNew Issue
2012-09-17 15:35smlewisStatusnew => assigned
2012-09-17 15:35smlewisAssigned To => smlewis
2012-09-17 15:36smlewisFixed in SVN Version => 48527
2012-09-17 15:36smlewisNote Added: 0000102
2012-09-17 15:36smlewisStatusassigned => resolved
2012-09-17 15:36smlewisResolutionopen => fixed

2012-09-17 15:36   
48527 repaired trunk. This is unresolved in 3.4 (we won't be patching it) but it's straightforward to fix manually by copying 48527 (change all instances of MULTI_THREADED to USE_BOOST_THREAD in src/protocols/frag_picker/